Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spring is here!

Well, it has been pretty nice up here, but we haven't gotten out much because the wind was blowing so hard.  But today it died down for a little while so we got to go out for a little bit.  I am working on getting Abigail a base "tan" so maybe she won't burn if we happen to be out for too long later on this summer.  I am not sure if that is possible though.  We did not get any smiling pictures, but the sun was bright today.  I think she felt like she was on a boat, because she would venture to the edge of the blanket, but would not get on the grass.

There were lots of birds in the bushes so she kept looking for them because they make a lot of noise.

We can't wait to go outside

Friday, March 26, 2010

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Snow on the first day of spring

We got a little over 5 inches of snow.  It's looks just about like last time, except this happened in about 7 hours instead of 24 hours.

Saturday, March 6, 2010


Can you find Abby in the picture below?

Took me a minute too.  I'm not sure, but I thought the door was closed. 

She is a crafter-in-training.

I almost didn't get in there.  She had knocked over something which kept the door from opening.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Abby helping me sew

More sewing fun

Hopefully this will turn into a beautiful quilt.

Great Aunt Sissy comes to visit

Great Aunt Sissy came to visit with Grandma.  Grandma is 85 and Aunt Sissy is 92.  They try to get together whenever they get a chance.  Abigail had a good time.